Charlottesville Comprehensive Plan

Community Engagement Strategy And Implementation, City of Charlottesville, VA

(2019 - 2023)

Brick & Story worked alongside RHI, HR&A Advisors, and CodeStudio to support the City of Charlottesville’s efforts to update its comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. Brick & Story has led the development of the community engagement strategy and worked in partnership with RHI to implement these strategies on the ground and remotely on behalf of the City of Charlottesville. Efforts have included developing an outreach strategy, identifying stakeholders and best outreach methods for each, partnering with local organizations to support outreach, and designing and facilitating virtual (due to COVID) engagement spaces such as a project engagement website and small group meetings and webinars on Zoom. We have worked in close partnership with both the City of Charlottesville staff, along with appointed and elected officials, to develop a comprehensive engagement strategy and implement on the ground.


Mart 125


Hyattsville Crossing