Takoma Park Recreation Center

City of Takoma Park, MD


Brick & Story partnered with the City of Takoma Park, MD to provide community engagement services for the redevelopment of the Takoma Park Recreation Center. The recreation center sits in a portion of Takoma Park that has a high long-term renter population and includes residents who speak English, French, Spanish, and Amharic. Due to COVID, Brick & Story adapted our engagement approach to offer both virtual visioning and goal settings sessions, as well as targeted in-person, socially-distanced pop-up events in communities with traditionally hard-to-reach populations. Through this effort, Brick & Story not only creatively engaged residents in this community around the redevelopment of the recreation center, but also helped to reshape in new and exciting ways how the City engages with residents – particularly those who traditionally do not participate in public processes - going forward. A link to the final report generated from this project is available here.


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