Nightlife Economy Study

 Washington, DC


Brick & Story supported JSA and The Javera Group by providing facilitation design and implementation services for Washington, DC’s first study on the Nightlife Economy.  We designed a 90-minute facilitated session that brought together the Director of the Mayor’s Office on Nightlife and Culture, the Washington, DC Economic Partnership, and nightlife stakeholders (restaurant and bar owners, artists, community members, and other stakeholders) to respond to discussion questions focused on the opportunities and challenges they saw in DC’s nightlife economy and how it impacted their way of working or living in DC.  In addition to managing the coordination of the sessions (days, times, and locations) and convening the different stakeholder groups by interest, Brick & Story also designed the flow in partnership with The Javera Group, who provided the industry-specific discussion questions, and managed overall facilitation efforts.  Over a span of two weeks, we conducted approximately six (6) stakeholder sessions that were well attended and well received, as these opportunities created space for the District government to hear and address the concerns of its stakeholders.


Takoma Park Recreation Center


Park View Story Lab